A Faster Heartbeat

In a hot, stuffy conference center in the heat of the day in Managua, Nicaragua, hundreds of teenagers gathered in the name of Jesus. Uplift Nicaragua is quite a bit different from the Uplift that takes place in the United States. Take away the cushioned seats, air conditioners, and fancy entertainment and you have Uplift Nicaragua-style. Even without all those things that we think we need to make teens comfortable in the United States, you still have the most important ingredients: singing praises, hearing the Word, gathering with brothers and sisters in Christ, and some friendly futbol (soccer) competition.

In the States, youth groups are familiar with retreats, youth rallies, and conferences, but here in Nicaragua, the youth groups do not experience those luxuries. The youth group here in Jinotega has been looking forward to the one-day event in Managua for weeks and weeks. Uplift is a huge deal to them because all they know is their fifteen-member youth group that meets once a week to hear a lesson and sing some songs in a concrete building the size of most American church's bathrooms. When the Jinotega youth group walked into the open-air conference center with a thousand other Christians singing a symphony of praise songs, they were quite excited.

Even though Uplift Nicaragua is so different from its equivalent in the United States, it taught me that one thing is common among us. We all need community. This Christian thing is not meant to be done alone. We are not meant to travel by ourselves; we need each other. When we gather together to exalt our God and encourage one another to live for Him, out spirits are encouraged, renewed, and reenergized. Whether it just two or three that gather or a thousand, God is among us (Matthew 18:20). And where the presence of the Lord is, there is joy!

The desire for community is rooted in us because we are made in the image of God. God Himself is community, being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in one form. And what's more is that He desires community and relationship with us. And since we are made in His likeness, we inherited a piece of His heart. This is why we need community and why we are so blessed by the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ. God's heart beats a little faster when we come together in His name.

I wish you could be here and experience the community of your Christian family here in Nicaragua. Maybe some day you will experience it here (or in India, Peru, Italy, or China). God's family is living all over the world! (Isn't that amazing?!) But for now, feel God's heart beat right where you are in your hometown - at Pleasant Valley, Fellowship Bible, Downtown, or Saturn Road. You are a part of a vibrant community that can reach out and change the world. And when you tap into that unity and step out to share the message of Christ with the world around you, God's heart beats a little stronger and a little faster.
