A Heart of Gratitude

After five days of college life, I can officially say that I'm loving it! Everything here is so new and exciting; it's like a grand adventure. The newness has not worn off, so I still get excited about the next cafeteria meal, the next night in the dorm, the next campus activity, even the next homework assignment! (I know that's crazy, but I just love all the things I'm learning. It is so different from high school!) These past few days have been so thrilling because I've constantly been busy doing things around campus; therefore, I've hardly had time to get homesick...until bedtime.

Bedtime at my house is a special and significant time. Yes, my sister and I both got tuck-ins, and I am proud to admit that I would look forward to it every night of my senior year. My mom would come in and massage my shoulders or scratch my back when I had a streesful day, or she would laugh with me when I had a great day. But what I loved most about my nighttime tuck-in was the prayer that my mom and I would say together each night before bed. There never was a night that I went to sleep without praying with my mom.

At college, the days are so busy that I don't have time to get homesick, but when nighttime comes around and I lay down in the quiet stillness, I miss my family and the powerful prayer times we had together. But something that I learned at church this past Sunday really helped me, and I would like to share it with you. Last night, instead of letting my thoughts drift to feelings of loneliness, I began to thank God. The sermon on Sunday was about living with a heart of gratitude, and the congregation was challenged to start thanking God on a daily basis. So last night, when I crawled in bed and tucked the covers around my neck, I mentally listed all the wonderful things that God had done for me that day. I thanked Him for events, for people, and for opportunities I encountered that day. Most of all, I thanked Him for being who He is. In other words, I called Him by His many names and thanked Him for being a faithful, powerful, joyful, glorious, and holy God. Once I began reflecting on who God is and what He has done in my life, my mind and heart were filled with an overwhelming gratitude that was accompanied by peace and joy.

When I woke up the next morning and noticed the empty journal page by my bed, I remembered that I had intended to write down my list of "thank-yous." I then realized that I had fallen quietly asleep while thanking God! I used to think that it was hurtful to God to fall asleep while praying, but then I heard sometone say one time that there is no better place to fall asleep than in the arms of your Father!

Last night, the power of a grateful heart and a holy God washed over my negative emotions of homesickness. Now it is my goal to allow God to transform all my negative emotions into gratitude. I truly believe that God has the power to cast out all negative thoughts and emotions, but I also believe that it starts with an attitude of thankfulness. Try it with me today, and see if we can begin to see something more. Together, we'll find more things to be thankful for. And in the process, we'll see greater evidence of God's activity in our very lives!

I'm beginning to keep a journal each night before bed of five things for which I am thankful to God. I posted mine below, and I invite you to share with me your list every now and then, too!

August 25, 2009: Thank you, God, for...
1. letting me fall asleep in your arms last night. I slept so well!
2. helping me handle my new environment with little stress so far.
3. being unchanging, immutable, and unshakable.
4. The opportunity to meet new people, like Anne.
5. 1 Corinthians 16:14. It challenged me this morning!


  1. My sweet Ashli, God led me to read this just when I needed it! Ask me to tell you the story! It's a God story!! I love you and miss you like crazy!


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