#9: The Power of God's Word

If I could give only one piece of advise to any person who is struggling, especially if it happens to be an eating disorder, it would be this: never underestimate the power of Scripture memorization. For me, storing God's words in my heart made the biggest difference in the world in my attitude and outlook regarding my eating disorder. An eating disorder can get pretty good at sneaking negative thoughts into your head, but God's Word is even better at conquering those dangerous and damaging voices. When negative thoughts creep into your mind, God's Word has the power to push them out. When temptations permeate your thoughts, the truth of God's voice has the strength to scatter the enemy. That is why memorizing verses or passages from the Bible is so valuable and effective in defeating negative thoughts!

The first step to putting this into practice is to simply dig into God's Word, the Bible, on a daily basis. Write your favorite Scripture discoveries on index cards or post-it notes and place them where you will see them often. Let them soak into your mind and memory so that when you are faced with temptation or negative thoughts, you can pull out that card, look up that Scripture, or quote that verse in response. Whenever God's voice is spoken in your mind, the enemy's voices will scatter. Whenever God's words are concentrated in your mind, the negative thoughts will flee like darkness tries to escape from the light. Wherever the Word dwells, there is no room left for the devil's lies!

You are not captive to negative thoughts, temptations, voices of the spiritual enemy, or lies! You have the power of God's Word available to you in the verses of the Bible! I encourage and challenge you to feast on God's words daily so that you can find treasures of your own to store away in your heart. Then, when temptation floods your mind, you will have access to the most powerful weapon - God's Word! By memorizing Scripture, you have an automatic advantage and assured victory over anything Satan attempts to throw at you. Take heart, pick up your sword, and take a stand with your best weapon, the weapon that is able to defeat any negative thought - God's words stored in your heart and mind!
