#4: One Step at a Time

Any struggle, including an eating disorder, is overwhelming when you step back and look at the big picture. You know where the finish line and where you stand, but the distance between the two can be vast and disheartening. You can't just wake up one morning and say, "I am not going to struggle today. I'm completely done with temptation, stress, fear, and failure."

When I was first diagnosed with an eating disorder, I convinced myself that the healing process would be quick and easy. I knew I needed a better balance in my diet and exercise, so I set a goal. From that point on, I told myself to eat more, gain weight, and be healthy. It seemed like a good plan...except that it didn't work. The finish line was way too far away for me to take only one giant step to get there. Long term goals are great, but I needed some stepping stones in between.

Daily goals are the small steps along the way that help you reach your long term goal with energy and confidence. Without those little steps, you will wear yourself out. Your journey through your eating disorder (or whatever trial you face) is a process involving many little steps of faith, not one giant leap. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Instead of trying to reach the finish line today, just take a step in that direction. Every morning, set a "stepping stone" goal for yourself, one that you can accomplish that day. An example for an eating disorder patient might be setting nutrition goals, like making sure you eat a hearty and healthy serving of protein at every meal. You could challenge yourself to not count calories or to not let your eating disorder keep you from eating the things you enjoy. You could even set a goal to say a prayer every time you eat, asking God to fill your mind with encouragement and truth. Be creative in setting goals for yourself, and don't forget to reward yourself when you take those small steps of faith and obedience!
