#1: Through God's Eyes

As we wrap up this top ten countdown of encouragement and advice from an eating disorder patient, I have saved the best for last! This #1 tip is possibly the hardest, yet most powerful of them all. I have saved this top position in our countdown just for these words: See yourself through God's eyes.

When you look in the mirror, see something more. Look beyond your skin, your hair, your body, and your imperfections. See youself through God's eyes, the perfect and holy eyes of the loving and gracious Father who created you beautifully. When He gazes upon you, He sees your beauty, your heart, and His image stamped upon your heart. He sees His fingerprints imprinted on you and His forgiveness covering you. He sees His daughter, a princess, whom He purposefully knitted together. He doesn't see your outward imperfections, but rather He admires the gifts and talents He gave you and the purpose He has in store for you. In His eyes of unconditional love, you are gorgeous!

What we all really need is a not a self-image adjustment, but a completely new pair of eyes. Let's stop looking at ourselves through the eyes of a critic and start looking at ourselves through the eyes of God. Let's begin to see ourselves as beloved daughters of the eternal King, covered in His mercy and beauty. Instead of dwelling on hair color, skin tone, and clothes sizes, let's rest our eyes on the gifts, talents, and purposes bestowed on us by the Lord. When you do this, you will begin to share the eyes of your Creater, the Beautiful One, and say with confidence, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well."
