#8: The Compare Snare

"When I compare myself with others, I engage in a game that has no winners. God, help me remember that what matters most is that you love me, just as I am."
(A True-ism from the True Campaign, www.TrueCampaign.org)

In a little box on my desk, I keep a bunch of index cards with Scriptures, quotes, and other encouraging things written on them. Whenever I feel weak, discouraged, or vulnerable to temptation, those words are easily accessible and always comforting. The True Campaign's "True-isms" have made it onto several of those cards in my box, and the one above is one of my favorites. As an eating disorder struggler, I understand the game of the "compare snare," but I know that I am not the only one who relates to that battle. Here is a verse of encouragement for you who are familiar with this battle and the pressures it carries with it:

"...So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't."
Romans 12:5-6 (MSG)

I realize that the compare snare is an easy trap to fall into, but it is nothing that our God cannot handle! Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and all of God's works are wonderful. The glorious Creator, Lord of lords, King of kings, powerful God, matchless Maker, and everlasting Father made you! You are a creation of His perfect and loving hand. He loves you, just the way you are. When you truly believe that simple truth, you are free to love yourself, just the way you are!

The next time you find yourself slipping or falling into the compare snare, let these words of truth fill your mind and push away unwanted thoughts of comparison: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, God, I know that full well! You knit me together and made me with a beautiful purpose. I want to be who you made me to be, and nothing else! Help me to love how you made me!

Here is one final practical tip that helped me as I battled the game of comparison. First, you make two lists of ten items. On the first list, write out a list of ten things that you love about yourself. Write about your personality, your heart, or your character. On the second list, write out ten things that you love about God. Describe His character and His heart as well as attributes of His nature. Then, whenever you feel susceptible to the compare snare, you can remind yourself of who God is and who He made you to be. Positive thoughts about your Maker and yourself will disable the compare snare as you learn to love the you that God so beautifully made!

For more encouragement, listen to this great song by Johnny Diaz called "More Beautiful You."
