Snow Day

The snowflakes seemed like they were falling in slow motion as I watched them float to the ground outside the window of the cafeteria. I also sipped my soup slowly, just watching the world turn white outside. Instead of whisking around from class to class and project to project, I suddenly had nothing to do but sit in the cafeteria with my friend and enjoy my warm chili frito pie. Classes were cancelled, the roads were closed, and all previous engagements were put on hold for a little while. As the snow drifted slowly through the cold, crisp air, the world started to turn more slowly, too.

A group of my friends joined us in the cafeteria, approaching our table all wrapped up in scarves and coats. "Have you heard about the school-wide snowball fight at 1:00?" Glancing at the clock, I noticed that we had fifteen minutes. "Let's get ready!" I jumped from the table and ran to the dorm to get bundled up. As college students, that means putting on all of your jeans, sweatshirts, and socks that you own. And to top it all off, a pair of colorful girly rainboots pulls the whole outfit together!

As soon as I stepped outside, I heard was the distant roar of a battle cry. I am pretty sure that the whole campus was on the front lawn, launching and tossing snow balls into the air and at each other. Some brilliant battlers brought along their water-ballong launchers, which they discovered were perfect weapons for a snow ball fight.

My friends and I had are own tackle fight in the snow until we had snow all up our shirts and down our pants. Next, grabbing our laundry baskets, we skipped over to the only hill on campus and had a grand 'ole time sledding. Who needs a sled when you have a laundry basket after all?

"Hey look at that boy in shorts riding a unicycle!" We all turned and looked as, sure enough, a shirtless boy rode his unicycle through the snow. We laughed, but no one thought it too unusual. Oh how I love college.

After a warm-up with some hot chocolate, my friends and I spent the rest of the day playing games and watching movies. We postponed all homework and delayed all projects just to spend time with each other. The assignments will get done...later...eventually. The snow does that - it slows the world down and simplifies life.

I believe this is what God had in mind for the Sabbath. We don't really do the whole Sabbath thing these days, but I'm beginning to think that we might be missing out. God knew that we needed a day of rest, a day when the world slows down and nothing else matters except relationships. We need a day to postpone our work and trust that God will provide.

Just like the snowflakes are in no hurry to reach the ground, so we too need to take a break and float in God's current of grace for a little while. The work will get done...but later. In the meantime, trust God to provide and enjoy the snow.


  1. Hey Ashli! I picked you for a blogger award! Check my blog for details!


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