My First Waffle Date

I find myself in the middle of a dilemma. My social club's spring formal is quickly approaching, and everyone is encouraged to bring a date. The problem is that I don't have a date, and to be quite honest...I am not sure how to get one.

I was pondering this problem just the other day, wondering who I could take and how I could ask them. Naturally, I was thinking about all the good-looking guys that I know, but the thought of asking one of them terrified me because I don't really know them that well. Just when I was feeling hopeless and pathetic, a sudden thought popped into my head. What if I embraced this as an opportunity to serve someone else? What if I didn't take the cutest guy I know, but instead offered the invitation to someone who might not ever get asked to a club function? Maybe, I could make somebody's day!
So I prayed for God to show me someone that I could invite to our formal function.

With that good idea in my head, I headed to the cafeteria for a 10:00 brunch. No one really eats in the cafeteria at that hour, so I sat down by myself in the cafeteria to enjoy my waffle. Five minutes didn't pass before a boy set his plate across from me and sat down like we had been planning to eat together all along. I expected him to look up and notice that I was not the person he intended to sit with, but instead, he looked at me with a bright smile and said, "Hey, what's your name?"

Impressed with his boldness to sit by a complete stranger, I welcomed him to join me. He wasn't your typical student athlete or popular guy. Just a regular college kid with a few quirks - the type that has probably never been asked to a club function. We chatted about our majors, our hometowns, the weather, and of course our waffles. As I left the cafeteria, I realized that  what had just occured could have been the most random and hilarious thing that had happened to me all week.

Then it hit me. I had just prayed for an opportunity to make someone's day by asking them to our formal function. I laughed to myself and made a mental note to look for him the next time I went to the cafeteria at 10:00. Maybe we can start a "brunch-friendship", and maybe one day I will work up the courage to ask him to our formal.
I will let you know what happens with my date-dilemma and my new-found random friend. But in the meantime, maybe you can make someone's day, too. Just look for the people on the fringes, the "outsiders", or the people that may not get noticed. They need your smile, your encouragement, and maybe even an invitation.
