Bed-making and Foot-washing

This week in my nursing lab, I learned how to make a bed. While chemists are mixing concoctions and biologists are examining specimens under microscopes in their labs, I am learning how to make beds. The trick is that I can now officially change your sheets and make your bed while you are still in it! I am learning skills that I will be able to use in the clinical setting when I am a real nurse! I have never been more proud of being able to make my bed.

First I learned bed-making, now I am learning how to give bed baths and back massages, and next is bed pan time. Yuck! You may be saying. Yes, nursing school is not all about performing surgery, diagnosing disease, or all the "important stuff" that we consider to be the fun part of medical care. That may come later, but for now, it's all about the dirty work.

People say to me, "Why do you want to be a nurse? You should be a doctor!" I even had one person tell me, "You should consider becoming a physician assistant because they don't have to do as much of the dirty work."

It is in those moments that I say to myself with confidence, I know, and I understand what you are saying. But I want to be a nurse. I want to be the one who does the dirty work with a heartfelt load of care. That's what a nurse is.

I think about Jesus as He knelt to the ground to write in the dirt with His finger. He let the unclean, bleeding women reach out and touch Him. And He reached out His own holy hand to touch the untouchable leper. He spit on the ground and used the spit-mud to heal a man's eyes. And He showed the extend of His love by washing His disciples nasty feet. I picture the Lord as He embraces the pig-slop covered prodigal son when he finally runs home. Most of all, I think about Jesus Christ hanging on a cross in order to redeem His children and bring them back into relationship with Himself.

Jesus Christ, the high and holy Savior, made the dirty work His mission and purpose.

I can't wait to make my first bed with a real patient inside it. Hopefully, through something as simple as a bed bath or back massage, I can genuinely show someone what it means to care. And if they ask why I do what I do with the attitude I do it with, I can share with them a really cool story about someone very dear to my heart who has taught me how to serve.
