The Faithful One

About a week ago, the juggling act of nursing school was making me dizzy. With a research paper to write, a group project to coordinate, and clinicals to prepare for, I was beginning to wonder how I was going to make it all happen. I am currently memorizing a list of the names of certain bacterias (which happen to be twelve syllable latin words) and the diseases they cause while preparing for my tests next week in microiology, pathophysiology, professional nursing, and nutrition. As my calendar fills up with assignments, projects, due dates, and tests, I really begin to question myself. Am I really marked out for this? Are you sure you called me to nursing school, God? As I look ahead at all of the things I have to accomplish this semester, I wonder, Who am I to do this?

I am so thankful that I am not the first one to struggle with this. In fact, the week that I felt the most stress was the week that I read about Moses.

When Moses encounters God at the burning bush, He recieves his high calling to bring Israel out of slavery. But the first words out of his mouth are, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"

Who am I?

And God answers, "I will be with you."

I love how God doesn't really answer the question. God doesn't tell Moses who Moses is; He tells Moses who God is. He doesn't say, "Well Moses, you are..." or "here are your qualifications." No, He says, "Moses, this is who I am...I will be with you."

That is just what I needed to hear this week, and I believe it is what we all need to hear God whisper to us when we wonder who we are or when we question our calling. We may not understand how we are going to make it all happen, but we know with confidence that God can do it. When we are unsure of our calling, it is enough to know who God is. He is the Faithful One, and that is all we really need to know for now.
