Blogger Award

I am so honored to announce that my beautiful friend Paige has selected this blog for a Blogger Award! Thank you so much, Paige, for reading my blog and promoting it as well. I am so thankful to be your sister in ChiOs and your sister in Christ. Your energetic and joyful personality is such an encouragement to me.

So here is how this Blogger Award works:

1. Link back and thank the fabulous person who bestowed the amazing award on you.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 7 other deserving and great bloggers.

4. Contact the awarded bloggers to let them know of their award!

Here are three wonderful blogs that I have selected for this award:

Seven unique things about myself:

1. I am currently a nursing student at Harding University that is also studying health care missions. I have a passion for mission work and a heart of compassion.

2. I spent the summer in Nicaragua, where I fell in love with the people. I found a deep passion for serving God's people through love, and God confirmed His calling on my life to mission work.

3. I love the outdoors. I enjoy backpacking, hiking, camping, paddling, and biking during any season of the year. I especially love the cold weather, and I am thoroughly enjoying the snow that we currently have here in Arkansas.

4. I battled an eating disorder in high school that radically transformed my relationship with God, which is why I have written a book titled Boundless: Discovering God in Your Eating Disorder that will soon be published.

5. Christian music is very important and powerful to me. Music is the way that God speaks to me, and it provides a way for me to speak back to God. I play the piano and write worship songs as a hobby.

6. My favorite Scripture is John 10:10, which says, "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly."

7. And here's just some silly things about me: I like toe socks, cold showers, breakfast for dinner, and playing Just Dance on the Wii
