Hearing the Heartbeat

The bright orange tubing matched my favorite color perfectly. The little earpieces fit into my ears just right. The shiny silver bell sparkled in the light. No greasy fingerprints, no scratches, no stains...there it was in all its perfection - my very own stethoscope! I took it out of the box and wrapped it around my neck. I felt a surge of pride as I thought to myself, now I am becoming a real nurse! I ran excitedly around the dorm room showing all my friends my new prize, asking them if I could listen to their hearts and lungs. With a huge smile on my face, I plugged the stethoscope into my ears, cleared my throat, took a deep breath, and listened intently so I could show off my new skill.

Nothing. I heard nothing.

Disappointed and frustrated, I turned the stethoscope over in my hands, thinking that by examining it I could make it work. All the while, I was thinking, how in the world do you work this thing?

My pride in my nursing abilities went down the tube in that instant. Surely any dummy can work a stethoscope! But don't worry. Remembering my professor's instructions, I was able to turn the little tube, open the right hole, use the correct side of the bell, and hear the heartbeats of all my friends. I felt like a nurse again - just a humbled one!

In the same way, God has equipped each one of us with the tools we need to love and obey Him. But do you ever feel like you hold His Word in your hands and ask, how in the world do I use this thing? Or do you ever kneel to pray and think to yourself, why is this not working? Am I doing something wrong? Have you ever wondered how you fit in to the whole church thing or how to use your spiritual gift to advance the kingdom of God? Sometimes I turn all those things around in my hand, look at them, and wonder why I am not hearing anything. God is faithful to give us what we need to serve Him, but sometimes I feel like I just don't know how it all works!

That is when the wonderful Counselor, the Holy Spirit, comes to our rescue.

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you..." John 14:26-17

The Holy Spirit is always ready and available to guide our hands and show us how to embrace God's gifts. He reminds us what God has spoken, reveals the truth, and strengthens us in our weakness. He even shows us how to utilize the gifts and tools that God has placed in our hands. When it come to those gifts, the truth is that we really can't work them all on our own. Our confidence cannot rest in our own ability to open the package and utilize the tool. Instead, in humility we accept guidance from the Spirit, who graciously helps us unwrap God's gifts. Then, with His hands wrapped around ours, we can experience God;'s gifts in their fullness.

So go ahead! Unwrap your gift and admire it's beauty and perfection. Then, allow the Holy Spirit to guide your hands as you learn to hear your heart beat.


  1. Absolutely beautiful article! And I love your blog theme--illustrates "seeing more" perfectly! 8^)


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