The Simple, but Extraordinary Call

My stomach tightened with excitement when the lights turned down and the audience began to murmur with anticipation. A Friday night movie might be typical for many college students, but not this one. I rarely ever go to the theater to see a movie, so this moment was a special treat. I took a deep breath, sank back into my cushioned seat, and set my eyes on the bright lights flashing across the huge screen. This time, I knew the $8.50 would be worth it. I had high expectations for the film I was about to absorb, but I had no idea how much those expectations would be exceeded. It wasn't an ordinary two hours. It wasn't an ordinary experience. And it certainly wasn't an ordinary movie.

Earlier in the week, I had been opening my Bible to 1 John every day, soaking up the words and listening for how they could apply to my daily situations, choices, and relationships. If you were to flip through the pages of 1 John in my Bible, you would find these words carefully underlined in an ordinary black pen.

"If anyone obeys His word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did."

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."

"Let us not love with words or tongue, but with action and truth."

"This is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us."

"No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us and HIs love is made complete in us."

All these words were written in my mind, and they were whispered to my heart as I sat in that dark theater and watched the film before me. As I exited the movie cinema, my mind was overwhelmed with everything I had seen and heard. I almost felt like the world around me was fuzzy because of all the emotion deep inside of me. When I got back to my dorm room, I slowly closed the door and soaked up the silence, letting everything sink in. Slowly, the puzzle pieces all began to lock into place as I reflected on the words of John and the script of the movie, To Save A Life.

It is such a simple, yet such an extraordinary call. A call to love. God's love is so wonderful, so unfathomable, so passionate, so unconditional, so overwhelming, so consuming, so compelling. If we truly could grasp just the corner of that tapestry of His abundant love, it would be a natural response to love others in return. It seems so simple, yet so extraordinary. It is a high calling, but a worthy one.

This morning, I found a simple, but extraordinary answer in Isaiah 6. The presence of God's glory and the experience of His grace leaves us with only one response. One simple, but extraordinary response.

"Here I am. Send me!"
Please check out this extraordinary movie, and experience the power of its message for yourself.
