Fresh Snow

In the quiet of the snowy forest, I paused to listen. The snow skis on my feet swished to a stop, and then all was silent. Bundled up in a puffy coat, hat, and mittens, the only exposed member of my body was the chilly tip of my nose. I let out a steamy breath into the cool mountain air and watched it vanish. I looked around, only to find myself peacefully secluded in a huddle of snow covered trees on the ski slope. The silence was so rare, pure, and peaceful that I could hear nothing but the tiny snowflakes falling through thin, light air. I stood in absolute amazement as the icy crystals floated down and landed on the evergreen trees, on the forest floor, and on my black mittens. When I looked down at my gloves, I noticed the many different patterns and symmetries of each snowflake that fell. The quiet intensity and majestic glory of the moment was indescribable. After a few more moments of peaceful silence, I heard a muffled laugh coming from across the hillside, so I took one last deep breath, leaned forward on my skis, and slid down the mountain to catch up with my sister.

On that day of our family ski trip, we recieved around twenty inches of fresh powder on the slopes. All day long, an unceasing and gentle shower of snowflakes floated down from the cloudy sky. By the end of the day, a thick blanket of fluffy snow covered the ground. All the rocks, dirty spots, and footprints vanished under the new layer. Even our feet disappeared beneath us as we skiied down the mountain, leaving new tracks in the fresh snow.

With the beginning of the new year, I am so very thankful for the gift of new beginnings, of fresh snow. Wherever the rocks and dirt are showing, God generously showers a clean layer, washing us white as snow. All impurities and scars disappear as His gentle love coats us, covers us, cleanses us, renews us. Even our trips and falls are easier and softer when the ground is covered in a generous layer of pure snow. So take a moment to pause. Find a secluded cluster of trees, let out your breath, listen to the gentle silence, and watch the snowflakes drift from the sky and land on the trees, on the ground, and on your very hands.
