
The show was fantastic and the performance outstanding, so the audience rose to their feet at the strike of the last chord. Thundering applause filled the stadium, and the performers took a long, deep bow before turning around to exit the brightly lit stage. Even after the last ripple of the thick, red velvet curtain faded away, the audience remained standing and applauding, begging and beckoning the famous performers to return. The delighted crowd never seemed to tire of cheering, even after the performers were long gone. Instead of the applause slowly dissolving, the acclamation roared louder and louder until the whole room almost burst with whistles, shouts, hoots, hollers, and hurrahs. Finally, after such a persistent celebration, the gigantic red curtain gently shook, and the audience one again bursted into an even greater ovation as the performing artists returned to the stage for an encore!

Have you ever been present for an encore performance? The persistent applause, the anticipation, and the celebration bring an additional touch of excitement to the event. It is like a grand finale! If we can give such praise to human beings, how much more praise must be brought to God! Can you picture it? Every sunset, every spring, every birth, every answered prayer, every saved soul must bring such applause, joy, and celebration to the heavens!

Bravo, God, bravo!
All angels shout, "Encore!"
In awe before the glory,
in awe before God's visible power.
Psalm 29:1 (The Message)

I don't know about you, but I want to be a part of that majestic, heavenly audience! I want to be a witness to God's wonderful works so that I can rise with the angels in standing ovation and shout, "Bravo, God! Encore!" You know, the more we clap for God, the more likely He is to come back for an encore. Today, it is my goal and challenge to stand in the grand auditorium of creation and to watch God shake the stage with His glory and goodness! May it be our mission, just for today, to fix our eyes on the Lord and what He is doing in us and around us. Then, let us stand in awe of His visible display of glory, applaud Him, and shout with all our hearts, "Encore!"
