
"You did what?!" my mom exclaimed with excitement in her voice.

"I signed up for Spring Sing," I repeated into the telephone. I could hear my mom smiling, and I could picture her shocked expression.

"I can't believe it...but I am so excited!" My mom never expected her quiet, studious daughter to participate in such an outgoing and crazy event. Spring Sing is an annual production put on by Harding University where groups of students perform an act with singing and dancing. I have never been in a play, never sang in front of an audience, and certainly never danced. But! As a college freshman ready for adventure, new experiences, and crazy fun, I didn't even hestitate to put my name on the list. What an opportunity to try something new, take on a challenge, and step outside my comfort zone in order to make friends and have a blast!

I walked onto the stage for the first rehearsal feeling excited to learn something completely new. Besides a little bit of nervousness, I was totally ready. I let out a deep breath, shook out my arms a little bit, and walked casually on to the lighted stage. I had convinced myself that I was fully confident and able to do whatever they told us to do...until they divided us into groups, called each group to the center of the stage, and told us to freestyle dance.

Suddenly my heart started beating so hard and fast that I'm sure everyone in the audience could hear it. My mind started racing out of control as the same thought bounced around inside it over and over again- What am I going to do?

"Group one!" a girl called out. I watched all the girls so closely, it was like I was taking a crash course titled, "how to learn to dance in twenty seconds."

"Group two!" she enthusiastically exclaimed. I watched every move, but it was too late.

"Group three!" All the girls that were huddled around me screamed with delight and ran out to center stage. I shyly followed them out, hiding behind the back of the group so that no one would notice how big I gulped.

I'm pretty sure I looked like an absolute fool out there. The lights were so bright that my eyes were squinted almost completely shut. The music started playing (with a nice, upbeat rythym I might add) and everyone in my group started dancing. For the first few seconds, I just stood there with my heart pounding and my nerves freaking out. Knowing that I couldn't stand there forever, I started to bounce up and down to the music. Once my feet finally gained confidence to actually come off the stage, I started jumping. Since everyone else around me was moving their arms, I began to move, actually flail, mine up and down. Like I said, I looked absolutely ridiculous.

But something even more ridiculous happened next - I actually had fun! I have been raised in an environment where dancing is practically non-existent. With that being said, this whole freestyle dance thing was something I had never ever done before. I looked around at all the other girls jumping around, moving their arms, and laughing wildly. Suddenly, I realized that craziness wasn't out of place; none of those girls knew what they were doing. In that little huddle of freestyle dancers, not one of them danced with perfection, organization, or talent really. They were just letting loose and having fun. So I raised my hands, moved my feet, spun around and around, and laughed with the rest of them. Before I knew it, group four was moving on stage and my heart was beating with energy and not nervousness!

So my first dancing experience was terrifying, delightful, and amusing (to the audience!) all at the same time. There is something thrilling and wonderful about stepping out to try something new. I wonder if Moses, Abraham, Joshua, Jeremiah, the disciples, or Paul ever felt that way. You want me to do what, Lord? Lead a nation out of bondage? Sacrfice my son? March around a city wall? Tell your people what? Become like a servant? Give up my reputation and life? But aren't you glad that we have their example! They stepped out into the bright light, stood alone, and obeyed the Lord. They danced for Him. I don't know what God is asking of you and me right now, but maybe it is time for us to stand up and stand out. Maybe, instead of saying, you want me to do what, Lord? we should raise our hands, move our feet, and dance.
