Irresistible Prayer

This past Sunday night, I was incredibly blessed to be able to attend a small group meeting where the The Truth Project will be shown throughout the course of this semester . The Truth Project, a 13-week DVD series by Dr. Del Tackett and Focus on the Family, challenges Christians to believe and live out a biblical worldview in a culture where truth has been exchanged for a lie. On this past Sunday night, one thought from the video planted its roots into my mind, and those roots have been growing and spreading ever since. Dr. Tackett said something about prayer that really sunk into my heart. Although I cannot remember the quote word for word, this is my interpretation of what he proclaimed.

If we really believed in the power of prayer, we wouldn't have a hard time praying; we would have a hard time leaving our knees.

I've been taught many things about prayer, but for some reason this simple statement brought light to what I previously thought I understood completely. My prayer life is always something that I strive to strengthen, but I have a habit of slipping into a dangerous mindset. I tend to place the coaching, the training, the responsibility, and the emphasis on myself. I need to do this...I need to try that...I need to focus on this aspect of prayer...I, I, I. The Truth Project reminded me that the focus needs to shift from my own ability to the nature of the Lord. Instead of thinking about what I can do to make my prayer life significant, I should fall to my knees with my eyes placed on Christ alone. He is sovereign, He is holy, He is listening, He is near, He is my high priest, He is my sustainer. When the spotlight is on who God is, prayer becomes powerful. When the target is Christ's character, it becomes irresitible.

In the presence of the one and only living God, you'll have a hard time leaving your knees. And you never really have to.


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