The Power of Praise

I used to think that prayer was the only way to handle struggles, but now God has shown me something new and exciting. Not only is there power in prayer, but power in praise as well. I have been experimenting with a new kind of prayer this week - a prayer of praise. Whenever I am struggling, hurting, doubting, fearing, worrying, or experiencing any negative emotion, I go to God in praise. There is something about singing God' name, praising Him, and worshipping Him that puts everything into perspective. Praise washes over all doubt, fear, anger, and insecurity. I don't have to say a word about my problems (God already knows anyway), instead, I just call Him by name and offer a prayer of simple praise. The more I praise Him, the more my struggles vanish as my mind is filled with truth about who God is.

Every now and then, instead of praying about it, praise about it. Instead of going to God in prayer, go to Him in praise. And really, praise is a prayer - a prayer that declares the glory of God! May your prayers of praise wash over all your struggles and fill your mind with a peace that comes from knowing how awesome God is.


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