Practical Tip #3

Note: These tips are for young ladies like me who might struggle with body image, weight, or diet, whether that comes in the form of an eating disorder or not. To see the first two tips, check out the previous posts.

Practical Tip #3: Journaling and Writing

I haven't always been a "journal-keeper," but as soon as I started, I never stopped. My first journal was a big long list of things that I was thankful for. As I look back on each journal entry and read the things that I was thankful for each day, I smile and laugh. I remember the days when my pet goldfish was number one on the list of things I'm thankful for! Some of my old journals are a source of laughter and amusement, but one otjer journal in particular is a source of hope and strength: the journal I kept during my eating disorder. It was a very simple journal, one that I could take with me wherever I went. I didn't feel like I always had to use my best handwriting when I wrote in it. The lined pages are sometimes bent and smudged, but the words that fill every page, from the first sheet to the last, are words of power to me. But the power didn't come from my thoughts and my pen, but from the heart of God. That special journal is filled with my favorite Scriptures followed by my heartfelt prayers. As I read through that journal, I remember how God spoke to me through each verse and how my heart responded in prayer. I treasure that journal because it reminds me that God speaks. It reminds me that God was with me through my eating disorder, teaching me things through His Word and showing me how to act in obedience.

You may be a "journal-keeper" or you might think that you couldn't write a meaningful word on a page if you tried, but I challenge you to give it a go! It doesn't have to be complicated; it doesn't have to be daily; it certainly doens't have to fit any kind of mold that you've been taught. Be creative and be yourslef with your journal. Here are some ideas that might jumpstart your creativity:

~Prayer Journal: Record your prayers to God. They don't always have to be eloquent or super spiritual. Just tell God in a few sentences how you are feeling. Praise Him or thank Him. Ask for His forgiveness, His guidance, His help, or His strength. Talk to Him about your joys and your struggles. Just tell Him what's on your heart.

~ Scripture Journal: Journal your favorite Scriptures. This is a great way to get in the habit of daily Bible reading, too! When you read your Bible, write down a verse that stands out to you. You can also journal your thoughts or questions about the verse, or maybe write a prayer in response to the verse.

~ Art Journal: This is a little bit like the Scripture Journal, but instead of writing the Scripture, you draw it! You can use different colors to illustrate the words, or you can actually draw a picture. For example, if you were reading about the fruits of the Spirit, you could draw a tree with beautfiul fruit. Each fruit on the tree could be labeled with a fruit of the Spirit.

~ Index Card Journal: This one is fun to me! Instead of buying a traditional journal, buy a pack of index cards. Journal verses, thoughts, encouraging messages, quotes, or attributes of God on the cards and keep them in a special place. I used to post mine on my bathroom mirror or keep then in a cupholder in my car.

I hope that these ideas will encourage you to keep a written record of what God is doing in your life during the season of your eating disorder or other struggle that you face. Journaling helps me recognize how God is at work in my life., and it is also a daily reminder for me to focus on Him. Jouranling and writing helps me work out the thoughts and emotions of my heart, and it enables me to express and surrender those feelings and emotions to the Lord. And then later, what a blessing it will be to look back on your journal entries and see how faithful God has been!

Please feel free to post any of your journaling ideas. I'd love to hear from you.
Blessings to you all!
