
We laughed a little, we cried a lot, and we left the movie theatre refreshed and inspired.

"That was the best $7.25 I have spent in a long time," my suitemate announced as we walked to the car after viewing Courageous. Check out the trailor here:

This is certainly no low-budget, poor-acting, cheesy-Christianity movie. This film is entertaining, inspiring, full of truth, Spirit-guided, and potentially life-changing. I walked away saying to myself, this is what a movie is supposed to be like. This movie had meaning.

I am not a movie critic, and this is not a movie-review blog, but seeing this film today made me think a little harder. It made me see something more. I want my life to have meaning and purpose. I want everything I say and do each day to make a difference. So if this is really my desire, then I will spend my energy doing things that matter, and I will choose activities that have meaning and purpose as well. In this way, every decision I made becomes significant, including the movies that I choose to watch.

Now don't get me wrong - I enjoy a good lighthearted funny movie every now and then. But to be honest, most movies that I see are basically pointless, without meaning. Courageous, however, left me inspired and motivated. It challenged me to make my life matter by making all decisions, both small and large, based on my faith and relationship with God. I want to fill myself and surround myself with things that matter. I want to absorb meaning and purpose so that I overflow with it to the world around me.

It is only when we fill ourselves with meaningful thoughts that we can really find meaning for oursleves and live a life of meaning that shines to the world around us.
