Twenty Going On Fifteen

I glanced outside the large window of the car dealership at the little white 2007 Honda Fit parked nearby, and then I turned toward the office window where I could see my parents signing the papers. A sweet smile crept up the corners of my mouth and I started to get excited about driving that little car home.

"Are you getting a new car today?" A salesman interrupted my thoughts, but I turned toward him and said with delight, "We sure are!"

"And who will be driving that cute little car?"

"Well," I began to explain, "My mom will drive it for now, but I will get it in a couple of years."

"Oh! You must be learning to drive. Are you about fifteen?" He asked.

", I'm twenty."

I think I saw a silent "oh" come out of his mouth as he turned red and walked back towards his office. I just laughed to myself because I'm used to it. People usually think that I am younger than I really am, so I might as well find the humor in it! After all, they say that it will be a good thing once I get older because then I'll look forty instead of sixty. We'll see about that...

The truth is that youth is a thing to enjoy. Ecclesiastes 12:1 (the Message) says, "Honor and enjoy your Creator while you're still young." The rest of the passage goes on to talk about the woes of growing older (not a recommended read for those in mid-life crisis) and how youth is a time to enjoy while it lasts. But the chapter is not really about the benefits of youth or the pains of growing older, but about making sure that you are enjoying your relationship with God right now and not putting it off until later. The point is not to enjoy youth, but to enjoy matter what age of life. But when it comes to knowing the Lord, the sooner the better! A relationship with Him brings a bounty of blessings that make life full and abundant. You don't want to miss out on that!
