Camping Out

For a girl that is used to college life, coming home for the summer requires a little bit of adjustment. I am used to running at a hundred miles an hour, packing every day with as much activity as possible. At home, we sometimes don't even eat breakfast or get dressed until 10:00. When I ask mom, "What are we doing today?" She replies, "Laundry!" like that is the big event of the day.

Now I am not complaining in any way - I love staying in my pajamas until noon. I really enjoy not having a to-do list that is ten pages long. At the same time, this kind of lifestyle switch has required a little bit of adjustment for me.

I have a goal-oriented, purpose-driven personality, so I wake up every morning with this question on my mind: What is my purpose today?

At school, that question was easy to answer with so many opportunities available to me. This summer, I have struggled a little more with answering that question. How do I find meaningful purpose in doing laundry or going to the grocery store?


When the Israelites journeyed through the desert, God guided them through a cloud pillar during the daytime and by a fire pillar during the night. I love what Numbers 9:18 says:

"At the Lord's command the Israelites set out, and at His command they encamped."

When you keep reading you will find that the Israelites followed the cloud/fire pillar wherever it went. When it got up and moved, they got up and moved with it. And when it stopped to camp, so did they.

I am pretty good at getting up and going when God leads me to do so. But when He parks it and starts to camp out, that's when I have a hard time. I want to say, "Come on! Let's keep going! We don't need to stop here. Let's keep moving to somewhere exciting." No, I am not very good at camping out. I want to be on the move constantly, but that is not what God always wants for me.

So here I am, spending some time "camping out" at home this summer. I am used to being on the go, which is what I am good at and what I desire. But right now, God's glory is hovering over my home town, asking me to camp here for a while. There is a time to move and a time to stay, and I believe that God is calling me to stay for now.

So what is my purpose when I wake up every morning? Well, I am still learning to answer that question. But I know that God has something in store for me here, something He wants me to do for Him to draw closer to Him and bring Him glory. And who knows, it may be doing laundry with my mom or hanging out at the pool with my sister.

So if God is calling you to move out and journey with Him to new places, take courage and jump into action. If He is calling you to be still and camp out right where you are, take a deep breath with me. Rest in His presence, and look for the opportunities right in front of you. Whether you are moving onward or camping out, God has a beautiful mission in mind just for you. When you obey Him, you will be blessed as you discover how perfect those plans are.
