GAP Time

"Remember when we used to have GAP time in the summers?" Mom enthusiastically reminded my sister and I one morning. "I think we should do it again this summer."

When we were younger, my mom cleverly named our daily devotional time together as GAP time, which stands for gather and praise. Every morning, the three of us would sit in the living room floor to do a devotional, sing, and pray together for a few minutes.

When my mom announced her idea to "revamp" GAP time, my sister and I were a little hestitant at first. In our heads, we pictured an elementary-style circle time with VBS songs and picture books. But we agreed to give mom's plan a try since she was so excited about it.

Now that we have completed almost a week's worth of GAP time, I am proud to announce that I am just as enthusiastic about it as my mom is. It has been so much more than circle time. Now that my sister and I are a little older, we are using GAP time to dig into God's Word for practical lessons and life applications.

Let me tell you - there is nothing more encouraging, challenging, and transforming than spending time in God's Word every day. That book is alive, and God speaks directly and personally to our hearts through it's words.

God has really blessed me immensely through our GAP times this summer. We have been reading a few of the Psalms and Proverbs aloud and them discussing them with one another. God has given me some personal revelations and has encouraged me through things that my mom and sister have shared. Stay tuned because I will post some of my favorite verses in the next few days, but in the meantime, I challenge you to spend time in God's Word every day. That habit has transformed my life and relationship with God, and I have no doubt that it will for you, too. A great way to start that habit is to find a friend and start your own "gather-and-praise-time". You don't have to sit in a circle and sing, but you can do something as simple as meeting for coffee and talking together about what God is communicating through His Word. Just give it a try and hear how the voice of God will whisper through the words.
