Scriptures to Brigthen Your Day

"Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts...Remember the wonders He has done." Psalm 105:2, 5

How quick we are to forget everything that God has done for us! This Psalm reminds us to reflect on everything that God has done for us personally as well as what He has done for others. We should write it down as a testimony to His character, for we are so quick to forget who God is and what is able to do! He is a faithful God who has written a story for our lives. How simple and meaningful it is to chronicle each chapter that He writes so that we will not forget His faithfulness. Then we will be ready to share with others all that He has done.


"Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare His praise?" Psalm 106:1-2

Who can fully declare God's praise? We can see His works and tell of all He has done, but ultimatley His love is so beautiful and His works are so awesome that no one can fully declare them! His goodness is beyond comprehension, His greatness beyond grasp. Francis Chan, in Crazy Love, says, "Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate?" Even if the sky was a scroll and the ocean made of ink, all of God's love, grace, and strength could not be expressed. His vastness is incredible, and yet He works His infinite power and intimate love in our very lives.


"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress." Psalm 107:13

When distress comes, what is our first response? If you are like me, you might ignore or it deny it. You might keep it to yourself so that you won't bother the world. You might hold it all inside or try to fix it on your own. I have tried all these things, but I learn from this Psalm that crying out to God is the answer to any distress. He is the deliverer, chain-breaker, comforter, provider, healer, and rescuer. When we cry out to Him, He hears. And He is already on the job.


"They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds." Psalm 145:5-6

God's greatness is worth sharing! "Speak of it, tell of it, proclaim it!" the Psalm says. How often do I want to mention Christ in a conversation, but just hint at it? How often do I feel the urge to share a story of God's faithfulness in my life, but let the chance slip away because I am afraid of how others will respond? Or how many times am I just too hurried to notice the opportunity to "proclaim God's great deeds"? No more shying away for me! I am ready to be bold and intentional when it comes to speaking aloud about my Lord.

All of these Scriptures and devotional thoughts have been inspired by our summer GAP time.
