Love is Something If You Give It Away

As I entered the cafeteria, I handed my card to the entrance worker in order to be "swiped in" to the cafeteria. With my meal plan comes a certain number of swipes on my card and thus a certain number of meals. "Do you mind telling me how many swipes I have left?" I asked the lady. When she replied, "38," I knew there was no way for me to eat that many meals by myself with only three days left of school. I also knew that I had $50 left to spend on meals, drinks, and snacks in the student center. I couldn't let these meals and monies go to waste, so my mind began thinking of ways to give them away.

I remember singing a little song when I was a child. "Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away..."

The end of the semester has been give-away season for me. I really enjoyed being creative in thinking of people to invite to a cafeteria meal. I had fun shopping in the student center for groceries and then delivering them to various places. That childhood song says that when you give things away, "you'll end up having more".

I truly believe that we all have something to give away. It may not be cafeteria swipes, money, or material goods. Perhaps it is intentional time, encouraging words, random acts of service, or a little love. God has blessed us as individuals with unique and useful gifts, talents, and abilities that we can give away freely. Most of all, He has given us His Spirit in abundance. That Spirit produces in us fruits of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness - all of which we can share generously with the world around us. What a joy it is to discover our gifts and the fruit that the Spirit produces in us! It is even more joyful to share them creativelt and freely with others.

After all, love is only something if you give it away...and then you'll end up having more.
