Ezra's Call to Rise

If you are looking for a great passage of Scripture to read over the next week, consider the book of Ezra. Now Ezra may not make the top ten list of popular Bible stories, but in my opinion it is definitely worth the read. It is one of my favorite books, tucked away in the pages of the Old Testament like a buried treasure that you must sift through the sand to find.

Ezra tells the story of the Israelites as they return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. As they build, they encounter opposition that eventually forces them to completely halt the project.  Ezra describes it as a "standstill". Although I have read the story ten times, I got to this point with surprise. "What? They can't stop building now!" I said to myself with frustration and disappointment. But don't worry for long! Two verses later they are back to building again (thanks to God's grace).

I suppose I got so involved in the story because it struck a chord in my own heart. I relate to the "standstill". I have been so wrapped up in school work that I have neglected some of the more important things in my life like relationships with people and with the Lord. Ezra called me to rise up and start building again. His story motivated me to not allow opposition to cause me to stand still, but to be intentional about rebuilding the things in my life that have been broken down due to struggle or hardship. School and its busyness has no importance over building up my relationships with people and with God. Thanks to God's grace, I am now building again.

What standstill are you facing in your life right now? Dig into Ezra's story for yourself, and discover the joy in rebuilding what has been broken. Don't waste any more time standing still, but rise up and rebuild. May God's gracious hand be upon you.
