A Story of God's Faithfulness (And Some Exciting News!)

When I saw the email arrive in my inbox, I gasped with nervous excitement. I quickly drug the mouse over the little envelope to open it, but my hand froze. The little white arrow hovered over the icon, but time stopped and I couldn't bring myself to open the email until I got onto my knees first.

Lord, you know what this letter says, and I believe that you are in control of what happens. I just want you to know that if they say yes and want to publish my book, then I will rejoice and thank you! But if they say no and reject my proposal, then I will still praise you.

I had been waiting for this moment for the past two years, which I had spent writing a devotional book for teenage girls with eating disorders and researching how to publish it. Thriugh the process, I learned all about publishing, attended a conference, and mailed out eight proposals. Finally, after two years of working and waiting, Sonfire Media gave my proposal a chance. They informed me that my book would be reviewed at their next acqisitions meeting, and that I would find out soon whether they wanted to publish my book or not. And here was the email, sitting unopened in my inbox.

After raising my hands in surrender and promising to praise God no matter what, my quivering finger clicked on the envelope icon and I held my breath.

"Congratulations!" The opening sentence read. That was all it took for my eyes to fill with tears as two years worth of anticipation and powerful emotions flowed out of my heart.  Memories flashed through my head: the day I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, the pain of the battle, the gentle and encouraging voice of the Lord speaking to me in my weakest moments, the celebration of God's victory, the crazy call to write a book, the hours of work, and all the forks in the road as I tried to decide what to do about publishing. At every point in this journey of my life, I have stopped and needed guidance from the Lord. And every time, He has gently taken me by the hand and directed me in the way I should go. All of God's leading had brought me right here to this open door!

Today, I am celebrating God's faithfulness. He is faithful to help us in our weakness, faithful to bring beauty out of our ashes, and faithful to guide us to open doors. Oh, how faithful He is! I am fully confident that His faithfulness does not end here, but will continue as my book is published, marketed, distributed, and read by so many girls. I am in awe that he would take my feeble efforts and turn them into such a big opportunity for young women to hear my testimony of God's faithfulness through an eating disorder. I take no credit, but give God all the glory for His unfailing love and extraordinary faithfulness. He has done it, and all my heart can do is beat excitedly with praise.

I will keep you updated on how God is revealing His faithfulness through the publishing process, but for now I invite you to praise God with me. Praise Him for His power to heal, and thank Him for guiding me along the path that has lead to this open door. I also invite you to pray for the book, Boundless, that may one day soon rest in the hands of young women who are struggling to find their worth. May they come to know Him as beautiful so that they can see themselves as beautiful, too.
