Something Gloriously Grand

John 8:49-50 (The Message)
"God intends something gloriously grand here and is making the decisions that will bring it about. I say this with absolute confidence."

Like fireworks in the night sky, this Scripture popped off the page as I was reading Jesus' words in the gospel of John last night. To put the verse in context, Jesus is talking with the Jews, who happen to believe that he is crazy...or demon-possessed. Jesus responds to their questions with this statement of "absolute confidence," which makes the Jews walk away nodding their heads and saying, "Yep, he's crazy all right."

They didn't quite get it. They just didn't understand what Jesus was talking about. But who am I to blame them when I so often do the same thing? In the midst of trouble, opposition, fear, or struggle, Jesus whispers to me, "God intends something gloriously grand here and is making the decisions that will bring it about." Yet so often, I think to myself, that's just crazy.

Do you ever catch yourself doing that? You face heartache, rejection, pain, suffering. You may hear that God is supposed to be near, to be working, to be helping - but sometimes you just end up saying to yourself, "That's crazy. Where could God be and what could he possibly be up to?"

No matter how hopeless or dark your situation appears to be, put your trust in Jesus' words. He even said them with "absolute confidence." Remember that "God intends something gloriously grand here and is making the decisions that will bring it about." Not only does He have the best possible outcome in mind, but He is right in the middle of making it happen.


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