Snow Storm

One of my favorite family traditions around Christmas time is our family ski trip to Colorado. This year, we are going to Wolf Creek ski resort, and the homepage on my computer is the official snow report for the mountain. Congratulations, Wolf Creek! As of today, you have recieved 137 inches of snow!

Can you imagine a pile of snow almost 12 feet high? As an Arkansas girl, I'm not sure I've ever seen more than 2 inches of snow in my front yard, so the mental picture of a wall of snow as tall as my ceiling is magical! Here in the south, as soon as one snowflake falls, school is cancelled, everyone panics, and all the milk and eggs in the grocery store are sold within two hours. What would happen if we were dumped with over 100 inches?!

Today, as I was celebrating Wolf Creek's amazing amount of snow, I realized that I have something much greater to celebrate - not the accumulation os snow, but the accumulation of God's love; not the downpour of winter weather, but the downpour of God's grace and mercy; not the pile of snowflakes, but the endless amount of God's faithfulness.

Sometimes I can almost imagine myself standing in a snow flurry, being gently covered in tiny, delicate snowflakes until a thick, fluffy layer accumulates over my whole body. And then I picture those little snowflakes as little gifts of God's goodness, floating down from heaven and tenderly coating me. Sometimes I feel like there are 100 inches of His generous lovingkindness swirling around me.

But just because I'm standing in the middle of a snow storm doesn't mean that everything is good and perfect in my life. For some reason, we tend to think that blessings are associated with the carefree times of our lives. But when you think about it, blessings fall the most during snowstorms. It's the challenges, struggles, difficulties, trials, temptations, and battles that feel so cold and dangerous, but it's also in those times of need that God pours down his snow flurries from heaven and coats us in little snowflakes of His love. When one tiny flake hits your coat, it may not seem like much when compared to the ferocity of the storm. But just wait a while, and as the snowflakes keep falling in the storm, they will gather and accumulate into a great testimony of God's faithfulness, goodness, mercy, and unending love that never fail, even during the snowstorms of life.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you won't have room enough for it." (Malachi 3:10)
