A Not-So-New Year

With the close of 2015 and the start of a new year, I am so reflective on the faithfulness, great power, and tender care of our Father. Praising Him for 2015 - my best, craziest, hardest, and most wonderful, year yet - and looking forward to what he has in store for 2016. 

It's wonderful to think that he is not bound by time like we are. We need resolutions and new goals at the beginning of a new year to help us remember to do what we have forgotten is important, but God doesn't need to do that. He didn't forget anything about you this past year, nor did he fail to do something for you that he was supposed to do. The start of 2016 is just like the end of 2015 in his eyes; He's still same sovereign God with the same beautiful purposes for our lives, never failing and always at work. He is just as interested in working in us today as yesterday and the days to come. While we get enthused by resolutions and fresh starts, he is continuing just as ever-faithfully the work he began before the creation of the world, a work that will culminate in his presence when people from all nations, tribes, and languages gather to worship the Lamb who was slain, our Savior. 

Happy new year, and may God continue his work in you and in us, in his church and in his world. May our passion for his glory continue to grow day by day. 

In a time and place where the new year is celebrated as a time of change, I thought you might want to know that one thing is not new. One thing has not changed: God's love for you and his special, continuous working in your life. That's some pretty good news if you ask me. 
