Until the Last Minute

"I don't know for sure, but I heard there might be a spot opening up on the spring break Nicaragua trip," my friend casually told me one afternoon.

"What? You're kidding!" I replied. My mind flashed back to when I had been told that the trip and the waiting list were full. It took quite a while for me to become okay with the fact that I would not be able to go. And now, here a door opened once again.

I got in touch with the campaign leader to place my name was on the waiting list. She said, "There is a spot open on the trip, but there is still one person on the waiting list ahead of you. If she decides not to go, I will give you a call."

Sure enough, later that afternoon, I receieved a call confirming that I could go to Jinotega, Nicaragua, for spring break.

In case you didn't already know, Jinotega, Nicaragua has a very special place in my heart. Therefore, I am overly excited that I get one more chance to see and serve my brothers, sisters, family, and friends there.

After all this drama regarding the spring break campaign to Nicaragua, I wondered why it all happened that way. When I was told that I couldn't go, I convinced myself that maybe it wasn't best for me to go...maybe it wasn't what God wanted me to do...maybe someone else needed that spot on the trip. But then the door opened up and I had the opportunity to go, which I couldn't turn down.

So why did it all happen that way? I don't really know. But one thing I do know is this: God has recently been teaching me to wait. It is like a theme of my life right now, and I am seeing this pattern over and over again.

He has a habit of making me wait until the last minute. I am naturally such a "control-freak" that I want to have everything and line and all my ducks in a row. But God, knowing how much better it is for me to surrender to Him, consistently makes me wait. Waiting forces me to trust Him and rely on His plan over my own control of things. I used to hate it, but now I love it. God has truly transformed my personality so that I know longer desire to have everything under my control. I love waiting on the Lord.

I am waiting for graduation and what I will do with the rest of my life. I am waiting on Him to tell me where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do regarding mission work for the rest of my life. I am waiting to see if He has a husband in mind for my future. But it's not just me. We are all waiting on a lot of things, as I am sure you have a list of your own.

Here's is what God showed me this week through everything regarding Nicaragua: He knows we are waiting, and He will bless us in time. I know that this Nicaragua-spring-break-trip-thing is a minor event in the grand scheme of things, but God used it to remind me of His character. He made me wait (literally until the last minute) but then He provided a way for me to go.

In the same way, I believe that God sees you in your times of waiting. In your waiting, be still and trust. Rest your heart and wait, knowing that God is working in this moment as you are waiting on Him. He makes us wait, but then He provides a way. He promises to bring all things together in His perfect timing, and He will do it.
