
It was just like any regular Monday morning. I was sleepily walking down the sidewalk at 7:58, late as usual for my 8:00 pharmacology class. Only it was also raining this morning, so I was carrying my little blue umbrella and listening to the sqeaking sound of my rainboots and the thump-thump-thump of the books in my backpack as I walked.

Suddenly, I heard one loud thump as all my books spilled out of my backpack onto the wet sidewalk, which was becoming more and more like a river with the amount of pouring rain. Man, I forgot to zip my backpack! Dumb! I said to myself as I tried to pick up the binders while holding onto my umbrella. That wasn't working, so I set the umbrella down (in the pouring rain, mind you) and hurried to pick up my collection of binders. In the process, my scholarship application blew out and landed in a puddle. After scrambling to pick it up, I eventually collected myself, re-grouped, and continued walking down the sidewalk.

Just in time, a car drove by the sidewalk in just the right spot where a large puddle had pooled, sprinkling and spraying me with even more water.

Really? Did anyone just see that? I just got puddled! Please say someone is watching this! I looked around to see if anyone was nearby to observe my spectacle. It was like one of those movie scenes in the rain where the poor girl has everything go wrong that could possibly go wrong.

I laughed outloud at myself all the way to my class. Although no one was around, I really did want someone to see what happened so they could laugh with me. After that whole incidence, I could have responded in aggravation or anger, but my first reaction was honestly to laugh.

Looking back, the situation was hilarious. But even in the moment, I knew that a little water wouldn't melt me and my books would eventually dry. Staying positive adds a lot of joy and laughter to life. I have come to realize that being negative, easily angered, and stressed out  robs life of its enjoyment. And sometimes joy comes in the form of puddles and raindrops.

In this hectic and stressful season of life, I am praying for joy and positive attitudes in all circumstances. That kind of bright outlook on a coudy day comes only from the source of light within our hearts, the shining Holy Spirit. With His constant presence in us, joy flows abundantly no matter the situation because we know that He never leaves us. Even when the rain is falling down, we remember that we will dry and that rain always brings fresh growth. Because of Christ and His Spirit, we are free to be optimistic, to stay hopeful, and to laugh when puddled.
