Shout it From the Rooftops

I could tell stories about Nicaragua for the rest of my life. While I was there, I kept a running total of my favorite experiences in a word document titled "memories". There are approximately 132 items, and I could write a whole blog entry about each one. Each memory, experience, and story tells of the character of God in some way, which means that we have one amazing, huge God.

Yesterday I took a walk through the park with a friend in order to catch up with her and spend some time with her before we go our separate ways to college. We started talking about Nicaragua, and then an hour and a half later I realized I had been talking practically the whole time, telling story after story after story. I would get so excited that I would begin to talk louder and louder and use my hands to exaggerate. I would get so out of breath by just walking and talking at the same time. When I got in the car to go home, I realized my back was soaked with sweat (due to 100 degree weather) and I hadn't even noticed. I was so into my story telling that I was re-living the moments and thinking about nothing else.

In every story I tell, I still feel the same emotions I felt when I was actually there. Sometimes I can't wipe the huge smile off my face. Sometimes I laugh out loud. Sometimes the tears of joy and deep emotion still come to the surface.

It is my prayer that the memories of Nicaragua will stay fresh and vivid in my heart forever, and I take comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit promises to remind me of all things (John 14:26). I will trust Him to do His job well and keep these stories and emotions alive in me.

I could write a million more posts about Nicaragua, but I will wrap it all up here. Now the time has come to move forward. Tomorrow, I pack my bags and leave for school. (Yes, I am packing and leaving in the same day. I'll procrastinate later.) I am looking forward to a new semester and season of growth. I am asking God to begin a new work in me. Thankful for my time in Nicaragua, I am now pressing forward to continue in the journey. Instead of coming off a spiritual high, I am going deeper. I am not moving away from the powerful spiritual experience I had in Nicaragua, but I am drawing nearer to the same God whose presence is powerful here in the States as well. I am not winding down from an awesome summer, I am passionately continuing in the Lord. I am not forgetting about Nicaragua, I am bringing it with me.

I will always remember and speak about Nicaragua because Psalm 145 talks about how we should "tell of His mighty acts" and "speak of the power of His awesome works." One generation is commanded to commend His works to the next. I have adopted these verses as my motto: "Every day I will praise you...I will proclaim your great deeds." I will speak of God and His work in Nicaragua for a long time, and I will tell His stories to whoever will listen.

Thank you for reading and listening to my stories. You have stories, too, you know. We all have stories to tell the world because God is working in our lives. He enables us to look around and see something more even in the ordinary and mundane. We can see Him. We can see His glory, His power, His love, His provision, His grace, and His greatness in ways that we have ever known. We can see Him!

If there is one thing that I have learned from Nicaragua, it is this: God is real and visible. He reveals Himself and makes Himself known. When we look for Him, we see Him and know Him more. Those stories are worth shouting from the rooftops.
