Peace and Blessings...

With my car loaded down with boxes and my dorm room stripped of all its decorations, the realization is just now hitting me. This is first time in my life that I have not wanted school to be over. I've completed all my projects, eaten the last food in the refrigerator, and even taken my last shower in our dorm bathroom. As I sit here and stare at the bare and boring walls, the thought has been sinking into my head that I only have one more final thing to do - say farewell to all my friends.

Well, it is really more of a "see you later" kind of farewell because I'll see them again in three months when my car is again packed with boxes to move back into college. Oh, I already can't wait for that day! But until then, as my friends and I all disperse throughout the world (literally) for the summer, we will all discover God's greatness in some way or another and then celebrate it when we meet again.

Can I share a "God story" with you? My greatest fear about coming to college nine months ago was that I would be alone. Because I was blessed with such a great group of friends in high school, I wondered how college would compare. Let me just say that God has provided completely above and beyond my expectations. He has outdone Himself in proving His faithfulness again and again and again. I cannot express the measure of blessing that has been poured out on me by my new friends at Harding. They are a treasure - each and every one of them - a treasure that was hand-delivered to my door, a "special-delivery" from the Lord who meets my every need.

To my precious friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a blessing to me. You have kept me laughing and brought joy to my every day. I cherish our game nights, movie nights, cookie-making parties, frisbee games (or attempts anyway!), group meals, froyo trips, photo shoots, singing devos, Bible studies, Heber adventures, and late-night scrapbooking. I love having you guys just a few doors away. "Because the twenty hours a day we spend together is just not enough!"

To my precious friends, thank you for being more than just people to hang out with, but people to share life with. Thank you for crying with me, praying with me, and encouraging me in so many spiritual ways when I needed it the most. When God is the center of relationships, they blossom. I see gigantic colorful blooms all over our friendships, watered and growing by the presence of the Lord.

To my precious Jesus, you deserve all the glory for what you have done this year. You are the source of every perfect gift, so I thank you over and over for pouring out your love on me through so many precious people. Thank you for teaching me, speaking to me, and challenging me in my faith through them. Thank you for binding us together with your love and nourishing our friendships with your presence!

See you later, friends! Meet God this summer in marvelous places! Thank you for showing me Jesus through just being yourselves. I can't wait to see some of you in the fall...some in the spring...and some maybe not again until heaven. But hey, thats the best of all!

"Peace and blessings. Peace and blessings!"
