A Blessed Birthday

For the past few years, I have always been in a unique place on my birthday - the beach, Alaska, even Disney World. I feel very blessed to add another special place to that list this year: Jinotega, Nicaragua. Not only was today my birthday, but it was also my first full day in Jinotega, where I will spend the next nine weeks for an internship with Mision Para Cristo. This place holds a special place in my heart, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for our team as we serve and love here in the name of Jesus.

This summer is not my first visit to Nicaragua. I have traveled to Jinotega on short term trips twice with my youth group, so driving through and walking around Jinotega has brought back many wonderful memories. Looking out the window of the bus as we drove around the city, I would say, "Hey! I helped paint that fence!" or "I've been in that nursing home!" When we went to the church last night, I saw several people that I remembered or recognized from previous trips. What is even more amazing to me is that they also remembered who I was. It is heart-warming to me that they would remember a girl from two years ago who they only saw once or twice. It just goes to show you that small cups of water in the name of Christ can make a difference that lasts an eternity.

Today has been a special day, not just because it is my nineteenth birthday, but because it has been a day of reunion with the people and places of Nicaragua that are a treasure in my heart. God has been faithful to give me such a peace about being here, even though I will be a long way from home for a long period of time. He has replaced all my fears, anxieties, and nervousness with a fresh sense of His presence and purpose for me. Just yesterday on the plane from Houston to Nicaragua, I felt a sudden sense of incapability for the journey ahead of me. I felt so weak, like I was unable to really make a difference with the time I was given. In that moment of fear, the Lord gently reminded me that it is in my weakness that He is strong. It is not in my job description to make a difference all on my own. Rather, I am to look for Him at work and join Him wherever He is already active. I look forward to discovering God's presence here in Jinotega, and I cannot wait to be a part of His work. I also look forward to writing about it so that you, too, can get a glimpse. What a pleasure it is to know that God has everything under control, yet He chooses us to be a part of what He is doing - not just in Jinotega, but wherever we are.

(These are pictures from my birthday in Jinotega. We ate lunch together and then went grocery shopping at the Pali, which is like a Nicaraguan Wal-Mart. The picture above is of the market right across the street from the mission.)


  1. Ashli, I LOVE YOU!!! and i miss you, and i wish i could be there too! Hope you had a spectacular birthday! Can't wait to read more about your time in Nicaragua!

  2. Thanks, Rachael! I love you and miss you, too. My birthday was wonderful, and I have already enjoyed my time here so much. I will post as many stories as I possibly can!


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