Promoting Healthy Faith and Living

Last night I attended an eating disorder panel event that focused on raising eating disorder awareness and providing practical tips to approach and handle disordered eating. I would like to take the time in this post to give you a small list of links and articles that will encourage you in the same way that last night's program encouraged me. With eating disorders becoming as prevelant and dangerous as they are, it is time for us to become more aware and more involved in promoting healthy self-esteem, body image, nutrition, exercise, and faith. These resources will lead you in that direction.
"What is an Eating Disorder? Some Basic Facts" by the National Eating Disorder Association.
The True Campaign is a Christian program that emphasizes identity, beauty, and impact. It encourages women, young and old, to challenge the cultural ideals about beauty and image and fully believe God's truth about who we are in Christ. There are some wonderful articles on this site. Just click the "read" button at the top of the page.[cp-documentid=7049579]/
Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" is all about raising self-esteem in young girls who are surrounded by a culture that feeds them lies. The videos on this link, especially "Evolution" and "Onslaught" are particularly beneficial and interesting.
Finding Balance is a great resource for finding freedom from Eating Disorders with the help of the power of Christ. It is founded by Constance Rhodes.
"Ten Steps to a Positive Body Image" by the National Eating Disorder Association. (Great Article!)
"20 Ways to Love Your Body" by the National Eating Disorder Association. (Great Article!)
"What Causes Eating Disorders?" by the National Eating Disorder Association.
"How to Help a Friend with Eating and Body Image Issues" by the National Eating Disorder Association.
"What Should I Say? Tips for Talking to a Friend Who May Be Struggling with an Eating Disorder" by the National Eating Disorder Association.
