
Today is the sixth day in February. To us, it might seem like an ordinary day, but did you know that February 6 is Ronald Reagan's Birthday? It is also National Frozen Yogurt Day, New Zealand Flag Day, and "Pay a Compliment" Day. If you search it online, you will find that every day of the year is some kind of holiday - whether it is a real holiday or just a silly one.

The more I think about it, the more I realize how silly some of our holidays are. Take Groundhog day or April Fool's Day for example. Now, don't get me wrong. I love to celebrate holidays because they are fun and entertaining, but you can't deny that some of our holidays lack significance.

In the Bible times, whenever God did something - a miracle, an answered paryer, a victory, or an act of mercy - His people would mark that day with a celebration. Passover is an example of this because it became a yearly holiday that marked the exodus from Egypt, which was a great spiritual victory!

Since we have so much fun celebrating holidays, why don't we consider adding more holidays to our calendars, holidays with significance and personal meaning! I have been keeping a calendar of spiritual holidays in my life. These holidays help me remember how God has been active and faithful all throughout my life. Every year, I celebrate my "spiritual birthday" or my baptism, as well as the day that I asked Jesus into my heart and the day that I gained victory over my eating disorder.

Just like every day has some kind of holiday associated with it, we as Christians have a reason to celebrate every day! We serve a holy and wonderful God who is active each and every day of our lives, so why not celebrate?! Let's begin to record those extra special "spiritual holidays" in our lives so that we can remember and celebrate what God has done as often as we possibly can!


  1. I really like the idea of holidays! You are right: it is a great way to remember all the things God has done for me.


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