20. Wrap My Heart

Lord, direct me through my journey
So I can experience your plans for my life.
Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you. 
Escort me along the way; take me by the hand and teach me.
For you are the God of my increasing salvation;
I have wrapped my heart into yours.

When people turn to you, 
they discover how easy you are to please — so faithful and true!
Joyfully you teach them the proper path,
Even when they go astray. 
Keep showing the humble your path,
And lead them into the best decision. 

You will show them the right path to take. 
Then prosperity and favor will be their portion,
And their descendants will inherit all that is good.
There is a private place reserved for the lovers of God,
Where they sit near him and receive 
The revelation-secrets of his promises. 

Excerpts from Psalm 25 in the Passion Translation

When I first discovered this Psalm in May of 2019, I was right in the middle of my year long discernment journey. The psalm struck me as being a psalm of discernment, with specific focus on God’s direction and his plans for my life. “Lead me into the best decision” is what I copied into my journal that day, and it was truly my prayer. 

I have rediscovered this psalm this morning, and I read it entirely differently than I did six months ago. Different parts stick out to me. Previously, I read it and prayed it for the promise of “experiencing his plans for my life” and the revelation of “life-paths”, which I interpreted to mean specific instructions. Today, I see how God has revealed life-paths to me, not in the form of step by step instructions but rather ways of living that can be applied to any time in any place. 

He has shown me the “proper path”, but it didn’t lead to Africa. It led to Christ. I have found “the private place reserved for the lovers of God” for I have sat near him and received “revelation secrets” of his promises. 

“I have wrapped my heart into yours.” That’s what I would write in my journal after re-reading this Psalm today. Many translations of this verse render the phrase as “wait on the Lord.” The Hebrew word translated as « wait » in many translation is qavah, which also means « to tie together by twisting » or « to entwine » or « to wrap tightly. » In other words, waiting on the Lord is wrapping our hearts into him and his purposes. 

This is what God has done for me this year. He has wrapped my heart into him through the waiting. 
