Bound in the Bundle

Every once in a while, do you ever come across a Scripture that you never knew was there? Sometimes it catches you by surprise, like how did I miss this my whole life? Other times, it's just like finding a buried treasure in a field. 

That's what happened to me this week when I read 1 Samuel 25:29. It's right there in the middle of the story of David, which I might have read a thousand times, but I found something beautiful that I have never seen before. 

Abigail is speaking to David, who she calls "my lord", and she gives him a blessing by saying...

"The life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord your God." 

What if this blessing could be spoken of me? My life will be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord my God.

I just get this picture in my mind of God holding a little bundle in the palm of his hands, a bundle of protection and life and peace and grace and love. And there I am, all wrapped up inside. Bound in the bundle. 

This blessing was spoken to David, but it is assured to us in Christ. Christ has reconciled us to God, making right the relationship between us so that now we rest completely loved and protected by the almighty God of the universe. We are bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord our God. 
