A Call Back Home

Stanislas and Charlotte Hien grew up together, but neither one of them stayed in their home village. They both moved on. Stanislas began a Bible translation project in 1998. Charlotte became an accountant. They were married in 2003 and are now living in the big city of Ouagadougou, away from village life roots and their original people group.  

Listening to their story over dinner one night this week, I did not understand every detail because it was spoken in French, but I understood enough to share with you their incredible testimony.

Even though they were far away from their original village, Charlotte began to have dreams that Stanislas would return to the Dagara people. Therefore, she was in no way surprised when he later expressed his desire to go back to his people, the Dagara, to strengthen the churches and spread the gospel. She supported him (along with such a drastic transition) because the Lord had given her foreknowledge through her dreams. 

Still such a vision was only a dream, not yet a reality. 

At one point, Stanislas was offered a unique position with an organization in Canada. This new position would be quite a promotion, and Stanislas would have a lot of really great opportunities there. As tempting as such an offer was, Charlotte reminded Stanislas that his call was to the Dagara. And so he stayed steadfast to that calling and declined the offer despite its perks. 

By the way, he is the third highest pastor in the Pentecostal church in Burkina Faso. No big deal. When Stanislas told people that he wanted to move back to his home town, they could not understand why he would give up such a prominent position for what seemed to be the lesser work. People - even Christians - thought it was unbelievable that he would go back, but he knew in his heart that it was what God wanted. 

Steps down in the eyes of the world are always steps up in the kingdom of God. 

So Charlotte and Stanislas literally went to the dessert, and they fasted and prayed all night and day. They received clarity from the Lord, and then they knew what they must do. 

I sat across the table from these people, these faithful followers of God, as they shared their vision with our team. They believe that God is going to do such great things among the Dagara and their neighbors that soon everyone will know about it. They believe that this is only the beginning and that God is going to add to our team. They dream big and they pray big. 

Such big vision for our team opens my eyes to see what God can do...and what he has already done. He has brought a Dagara family to our team, and they are the insiders key to reaching these people and their neighbors. 

"To him who can do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be the glory forever and always."

There are some things about being here in Burkina Faso that I just don't understand. Like how the dust accumulates so quickly or how my feet can get so dirty after I just washed them. Or why there are no street signs...or street rules at all for that matter. I don't understand how the motos think they own the road (like they are bigger than all the cars and trucks?). I don't understand much of french. And I still haven't figured out why water comes out of the shower head every time I turn the sink on in my bathroom. 

But there are a few things I do understand. There is no doubt that God called the Hiens. There is no doubt that God has designed our team and brought us together in these exact times. He has given us unity and vision - that I am sure of. He is at work, and he is faithful. At the end of the day, if that's all I understand, it is enough. 
