Plain Crazy

I get a lot of responses when I tell people that I am moving to Africa. 

"Wow! That is so exciting!"

"What an amazing opportunity!"

"What do your parents think?"

"You must be so brave."

But my favorite response came from one particular man. He was the most honest and probably the first one to speak what every one else had only been thinking. 

"You are moving to Africa? That's plain crazy!"

Yes, sir. Yes it is. 

I have been challenged recently to be more conscious and more intentional about looking for opportunities to share Jesus with the people around me. Getting on an airplane doesn't make you a missionary. You can't expect to be a missionary in Africa if you aren't already one here. 

So I couldn't let this opportunity slip by. Normally I would have just said, "Yeah, I know. But I will be fine" or something simple like that. But this time, I saw such a comment as an opportunity. Just like he was honest with me, I got very honest with him. "You know what, sir? You are right! This is plain crazy, and there is really only one logical explanation. It's Jesus. He has become my everything, and it is my joy and pleasure to do this to obey him." 

A huge smile spread across the man's face, and it was as if that smile said, "that does make perfect sense". 

And it does make perfect sense. Yes, it does.


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