The Christ in Both of Us

"Why are we so insecure?"

This was our topic of discussion Friday night as my two friends and I sat in a small circle on the floor. For some reason, this issue was weighing on our hearts.

It is funny how each of us tends to be embarrassed of our own insecurities, thinking that we are alone in our feelings of inferiority. We try to hide them, thinking that no one should know. But when we open up, we find that we all share the same struggle - the struggle of insecurity.

It goes kind of like this: "Hey, I kind of feel insecure around you." "No way, because I feel insecure around you." "And I feel insecure, too!"

And we all laugh and say together, "Then why are we so insecure?"

We discussed how we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, which makes us feel inferior, unworthy, guilty, or jealous. My friend pointed out that in situations like these, the enemy uses the compare snare to destroy relationships. We turn the enemy into a brother or sister who is covered by the blood of Christ - someone who is on our team. We only have one enemy, and he is the destroyer of relationships and the designer of insecurities.

"I was thinking about this the other day when we were singing," my friend said. "We can each sing alone, but when we sing together, it sounds so much better. Even if my voice is not as great as someone else's voice, it always sounds great when we join in singing together."

She went on to explain: "And that's how it is with life. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we just need to sing together. We sound so much better that way! Plus, there is Christ in me and Christ in you. We each carry different strengths of Christ, which is why we blend together so well. When we join together, there is more of Christ flowing from the two of us than either of us alone."

How true. If we want the world to have more of Christ, then we must stop negatively comparing ourselves to people we think are better than us. When we do, we trick ourselves into feeling inferior and insecure. The devil gets a foothold and relationships are destroyed.

But when we take our eyes off ourselves (our own strengths and weaknesses) and fix them on Christ, then we will see that Christ is in each of us. And instead of comparing the Christ in me to the Christ in you, we will  join forces and amplify the Christ in both of us.

That's a beautiful song.
