Door Opener

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Sipping coffee on a Wednesday night, I happily procrastinated for the sake of a sweet drink and sweet conversation. This casual meeting with a friend of mine has become something I look forward to week after week. I enjoy the smell of warm mochas with a hint of cinammon and the sound of whipped cream topping and my own slow sipping. More than that, I enjoy the pleasant conversation with my friend that never fails to turn spiritual.

I listened to her describe the "little" things that the Lord had done for her throughout the week. She explained how it amazes her that our God would take notice of us and do such simple, sweet things for us.

"He's a romantic God, you know." I smiled.  "Sometimes, He gives me the most marvelous sunsets on my most difficult days. He sends us sweet and unexpected blessings to remind us how much He loves us. It is kind of like chocolate on Valentine's day or a gift of flowers for no reason...only way better. It is moments like that when I say, thank you for romancing me, Lord."

She added, "I love it when a guy holds a door for me." Although a simple act, it makes us women feel special, honored, and valued. "And I was thinking about how God does that for us, too." He is such a faithful door opener.

Later that week, I grabbed another cup of coffee on Friday night, hoping it would keep me awake for the next six or seven hours, but also knowing that the power of God's Word alone would be enough to keep me sustained. I joined a group of students for Secret Church, a Friday night study of God's Word that carried on from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am solid. We studied Colossians, and when we arrived to chapter 4, I was reminded again of our door-opening God.

"And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should." (4:3-4)

The speaker pointed out that Paul wrote the letter from prison. If he was going to pray for doors to be opened, you might expect him to pray for the jail doors to open. But that is not his focus. Paul requests prayers for God to open the door for the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to fill the prison. To Paul, prison was not a setback to the spread of the gospel, but an opportunity. Paul never saw hindrances to the gospel, only open doors.

We were challenged to ask God for open doors, and then expect God to do it. I realize that I have often prayed for God to open doors for me to share the gospel with people I know and meet, but I often fail to back it up with faith. I kind of don't think that He will actually do it.

Now, after coming to know God as the door-opener, I have a new perspective with a fresh faith. And so I invite you to join me in praying, believing, and even expecting God to open doors for the gospel. The thought shakes me to the bone, yet thrills me beyond belief. I can't wait to walk with Jesus - hand in hand - as He romances me and opens doors before me. I want the world to know this faithful door-opening God.


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