Sleeping Through Storms

The sky darkened with daunting storm clouds. Looking to the sky only intensified the disciples' fears, so maybe they tried to focus on the water around them. But the waves, thrashing the boat back and forth, only threatened them more. Maybe they then turned their eyes to the boat, but it looked like the rickety fishing boat might fall apart if the stress grew any greater. Maybe the sail ripped in the wind and the boards creaked with the slam of every wave. In every direction they looked, as far as they could see, there was imminent danger.

So they finally turned their eyes to the only place left to go - to Jesus. And they found him sleeping. On a cushion.

Mark 4 tells the amazing story of how Jesus got up in the middle of the storm, spoke to the winds and waves, and stilled the tempest to rescue the freaked-out disciples. This true story is rich with symbolism of who Christ is for us, and I love to ponder it. Most of the time, we tend to focus on the part of the story when Jesus stands up and calms the storm with His command, but I want to point out what Jesus did before that. He slept.

When I think about this story and compare it to the storms in my own life, I realize that I am very good at imitating the disciples. I freak out. I feel the winds begin to blow me over and I watch the water start to come over the top of my boat, and I flip out and call upon Jesus to calm my storms.

But what if the point of the story is not to encourage us to follow the example of the disciples, but to follow the example of Jesus? If we really want to follow Jesus, we will sleep through our storms.

Yes, the winds howl and the thunder roars, but our eyes to do not fix on that. Our eyes fix on Jesus, and in His arms we rest. While the storm rages, we relax in His presence, satisfied in His love, confident of His power to overcome. And we curl up in the bottom of the boat on a cushion with Jesus and sleep.

Sleeping through the storm is not a wake-me-up-when-its-over mentality. It is a peace that passes all understanding. It is an understanding that Jesus is my calm right smack dab in the middle of the storm.

When storms and struggles come, I don't want to imitate the disciples. I want to imitate Jesus. I learn from the disciples that I don't need to freak out and flip out and stress out and then call upon the Lord. I just need to find Him in the bottom of the boat, fix my heart and eyes upon Him, and peacefully sleep with the full assurance that my Jesus is enough.

In light of all this, a friend recommended a song to me. When I found it on you tube, the background picture was an artist's rendition of a storm much like the one the disciples probably faced that night. Cool, huh? Watch and listen to this song by Tenth Avenue North, The Struggle.


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