Feet in the Fountain

After a three-mile jog around campus in a pair of hot running shoes, my feet knew just where they wanted to go. On this beautiful Saturday morning, I could smell the beginning of fall in the crisp air as my tired feet walked over to the fountain in the center of campus. I pulled off my socks and gently soaked my feet in the cool water. In no time at all, the sock impressions and redness faded away and my feet became cool and relaxed. Somehow, that simple act refreshed my whole body, and I breathed in deeply and soaked up the warm sun on my face. I smiled to myself and almost felt silly at how much I was enjoying this. Oh, the simple joy of soaking my tired feet in the fountain.

It's more than just our feet that get tired. We face busyness and stress that put wear and tear on our entire selves. We battle struggles and temptations that take their toll on our bodies and souls until we feel exhausted. Then there are illnesses, complications, decisions. We just need a fountain filled with cool water to calm our weary spirits, to satisfy our thirty souls, to refresh our very beings.

I would like to take a moment to thank the beautiful ladies of Chi Omega Pi as well as my suitemates and friends for helping create the most awesome, award-winning piece of art.
Made from a cheap sheet and a few bottles of paint, this piece of art represents the many attributes and names of our awesome God. It hangs in our room at the foot of our beds and keeps me awake at night because I can't stop reading it. It was inspired by an old hymn that says this:

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
and were the skies of parchment made,
were every stalk on earth a quill,
and every man a scribe by trade,
to write the love of God above
would drain the ocean dry,
nor could the scroll contain the whole
though stretched from sky to sky.

We keep a sharpie close at hand so that we can constantly add words to the sheet. God is so great, so big, so vast, that we will never run out of things to say or write about Him. The whole sky could not contain our words, nevertheless that tiny sheet.

What a beautiful reminder of who God is: indescribable and infinite, king and father, shepherd and friend. All in all.

He is the source, the fountain. May we soak our aching feet in His refreshing love. May our tired souls find refreshment in this water of life.
