
Standing at the edge, the water looks a long way down. Something deep in my gut whispers, "Don't do it. Don't jump." My heart pounds a little faster and my breaths come quicker. It is crazy thing to jump off a cliff, no matter what the surrounding circumstances may be. So I stand there, peering over the edge, trying to hold my balance while convincing myself to take the step and jump.

Here I am, looking at my life, contemplating the road ahead. There are battles to fight, changes to face, and decisions to make. It feels unnatural, even dangerous to be in this place. I don't know what lies ahead. So I stand there, peering over the edge, trying to hold my balance while convincing myself to take the step and jump.

I wonder if I should creep up to the edge, hold my breath, and calmly step over the edge. Or maybe I should step away from the ledge and then take a running leap without even thinking about it. Should I be cautious or crazy?

Looking at this life, I wonder what to do. I could stand at the edge, weigh my options, rationalize everything, and then cautiously step out when I know for certain it is the safe and right thing to do. Or I could step away from the situation and then run forward, even though I feel like I am jumping blindly. Should I try to figure things out? Or should I just take the leap of faith without thinking too much?

As I wait to jump, I can't help but think about the risks. The possibilities. The what-ifs. There could be rocks under that dark water. I could get water in my nose. I could land a belly flop, get my legs tangled in slimy seasweed, or brush up against a scaly fish.

The struggles and decisions of this life do not come without risk. I could fail. I could lose. People might think differently of me. I might make the wrong decision. I could hurt someone. I could end up lost, disappointed, alone. My heart could break. I might end up somewhere far from my comfort zone.

Even though I can't see under the water, I know that I must jump. Even though my heart beats faster and faster, I know I have the courage to take the step. Even as nervous as I am, I know that this jump is going to be thrilling and invigorating. The adventure side of me takes over, so I inhale sharply and believe. It's gonna be worth it.

Even though I don't know the outcome, I know I must move forward. Even though I can't see around the corner past this moment, I trust that God will give me courage it takes. Even as scared as I am about facing these struggles, making these decisions, choosing these paths, and making these changes, I know a God who won't let me fall. The faith side of me takes over, so my spirit inhales His Spirit, and I believe. It's gonna be worth it.

The moment that I so nervously anticipated is here. I feel the wind, the air, and the water as I leap, fall, splash, and breathe once again. As soon as I open my eyes, the fears vanish completely, replaced by a conquering joy and energy. Look at what I have done and how far I have come! I wonder why I was ever nervous in the first place. All I know now is that the jump is enjoyable and rewarding.

Though I am falling, I know someone is holding me. As I take that leap of faith into the unknown, there is one thing that is certain: I belong to and am loved by one faithful God. Before I know it, all my worries and fears evaporate and only joyful trust remains. I am abiding in His love and holiness, knowing His trustworthiness. I am surrounded by grace, swimming in an ocean of His care. Why did I ever doubt in the first place? All I know now is that the jump is enjoyable and rewarding. It was so worth it.

I climb out of the water and back onto the rocks. I reach the top, take one glance over the edge, and jump again and again and again because it is more fun every time!

The more I trust in the Lord, the more trustworthy He becomes. I no longer fear my struggles. I no longer tremble at making decisions or facing changes. The future and the unknown do not intimidate me. Instead, I look into the eyes of the Lord and take a running jump, for I know that He is with me. This gets easier and easier every time, and I find more and more joy and confidence in taking the leap.
