The Unknown

"I think it is an Enterococcus." I stated proudly at the dinner table.

It is not every day that the dinner conversation revolves around dangerous disease-causing bacteria, but tonight the topic of discussion was my microbiology lab. As the semester comes to a finish, every microbiology student is given a little test tube with an unknown bacteria in it. As far as the student knows, it could be any bacteria in the entire world, so they run tests and come to conclusions about their bacteria based on the process of elimination. As of right now, I am convinced my little bacteria is an Enterococcus.

"How do you know?" My friend gently asked.

"Well, it is a catalase-negative gram-positive cocci that grows in 12% Sodium Chloride. Plus it is gamma-hemolytic and is able to hydrolize esculin in the presence of bile." I was so proud. My friend just stared blankly and then smiled.

For the first time, I was excited about my unknown bacteria. At first, the whole project overwhelmed me to the point of absolute frustration. I hadn't even known where to begin or what tests to run in order to narrow down all the bacteria in the entire world. After the first discouraging day of working in the lab with my unknown bacteria, I muttered a silly prayer. "God, you made that bacteria and you know exactly which one it is. Thank you for your creativity, but please help me figure out what it is."

I believe that God heard that prayer and has been slowly revealing to me the identity of His little creation in my test tube. After a week of daily lab visits that consist of running tests and checking results, I finally narrowed it down to the Enterococcus genus. And that's why I was so excited to talk about my discovery at the dinner table.

We all have "unknowns" in our lives: things we just don't understand, things we can't figure out, things we can't find a way around. They complicate our lives because we don't know what to do about them. Maybe it is the future that is unknown - a career, a spouse, a home, a big decision. Maybe it is a relationship that is unknown because you can't define it or understand what is going on within it. Maybe your purpose is unknown and you feel like you are floating through days that don't mean much. Perhaps God is unknown and you wonder where He is and what He is up to. What is sitting there in your test tube? What "unknown" is growing in your lab?

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God (Romans 11:33). Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit (Psalm 147:5). He knows everything (1 John 3:20). What is unknown to us is not unknown to the Lord! Rest assured that He is alive and working in our lives, even when things are unknown. Especially when things are unknown. Trust that He knows when we don't. Just knowing that He knows is enough to rest in peace, confidence, and joy. As long as it is in His hands, we are safe and free. Even though life is full of unknowns, God is holding everything together, and nothing is unknown to Him.

Hebrews 4:13 says, "And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

Even my Enterococcus is not hidden from His sight. If He knows my bacteria, then you better believe He knows you, for you are His treasured possession and beloved child.
