
Easter has to be one of my favorite holidays, but it is not just because of all the chocolate and peeps that come with it. I don't love Easter because I get to wear a new dress or white shoes. And as much as I love the gorgeous spring weather with blooming flowers and lush green grass, that's not what makes Easter so wonderful to me either.

I love Easter for one simple reason. It is a day of remembrance and celebration of the greatest day in the history of the entire world, the day that our Savior arose from the dead!

I wanted to think of something really profound to write about for this Easter post. I kind of wanted to write about something really deep, some new revelation that would rock your view of Easter forever. But you know, Easter is special for one simple reason that doesn't need a lot of explanation. I decided that I don't want to complicate the beautiful simplicity of Easter, so I will share with you what it means to me.

Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate the heroic resurrection of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Death could not hold him, which now means that death cannot hold us. Sin could not kill Him, which means that it can no longer ruin us. Because of Jesus' resurrection, we also hope in a spiritual and physical resurrection. Because He burst forth from the grave, so we also burst forth in new life. That life is full and abundant because Christ has taken away our sin, breathed new life into us, and brought us into personal relationship with Him (John 10:10).

Even though this may not be anything new, profound, or spiritually deep, it means the world to me. Really, it means the world to me. Without the resurrection of Jesus, the story would be worthless and my faith would be pointless. But because He lives, I have freedom, forgiveness, life to the full, and friendship with Jesus Christ. Like the old hymn says, because He lives, I can face tomorrow. That is the simple and precious truth of the resurrection, and that is certainly something worth celebrating!
