Even the People on the Back Row

"I need more emotion!" Our director yelled from center stage. "The people sitting on the back row need to see your smile! The people in the balcony need to see your eyebrows raised!"

Spring Sing, a musical and choreographical show put on by various campus groups, is a big deal. It is a big production that brings in a big crowd. Lights, music, and colorful costumes combined with a ridiculously high energy level create a big show. It only makes sense that our dances and expressions need to be big!

But the thing is, it is hard enough for me to dance the right moves while singing the right lyrics. Now I need to add emotional expression to the mix also? It takes a lot of practice to coordinate your arms, legs, lips, and facial expressions all at the same time. But all of those elements are necessary for our production to be a smashing success. You may be able to sing the lyrics, but if you can't put the choreography with it, there is no show. And even if you know the words and the choreography, but have no emotion, the audience will be bored. Without one of those elements, the show lacks excitement, authenticity, and appeal.

As I was reflecting on this concept, I realized how this also applies to my faith. Living a life that immitates Christ includes knowing the words, the moves, and the emotions. Without one of the elements, my faith will lack energy, authenticity, and joy. It's kind of like the old saying, "Talk the talk and walk the walk." You have to know the lyrics, but you also have to know the moves...and how to coordinate them both. And don't forget about emotion! Emotionless faith is dead, and no one in the audience will be engaged or drawn to the message that we have to share.

I want my life to be a beautiful display of the glory and grandeur of God. I want every word I say and every move I make to tell the story of how amazing our God is. I desire for my life to be emotional. May I express such joy and love for my Savior that even the people on the back row of the balcony can see my excitement and passion for Him. And most of all, may all my words, deeds, and emotions all coordinate so that my dance for the Lord will be pleasing to Him and captivating to all who happen to see it.
