I Know It's Crazy

If you pick up your Bible and open to the gospels, you will find stories of healing, miracles, and wonderful teaching. Turn to the Psalms and find poems of praise. Find words of wisdom in the Proverbs. In the historical books, you'll read epic stories of victory. Paul paints pictures of the armor of God, the body of Christ, and the fruits of the Spirit. Now flip your Bible over to Ezekiel and what do you find? Floating wheels, creepy creatures, edible scrolls, and a guy laying on his side for 390 says. Ezekiel could possible be one of the strangest books of the Bible. This week I have read Ezekiel 1-5, and many times I found myself putting down my Bible for an instant and literally saying out loud, "What in the world?"

If you've never read it, I will warn you - it's weird. But just because Ezekiel is strange does not mean that it is void of truths and applications for our daily lives. I'll admit that some chapters absolutely baffle me, but I still want to share a few small treasures that God has shown me in the crazy book of Ezekiel this week.

The book begins with this bizarre vision of wheels moving around. "Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went." (Ez. 1:12) Then God appears and Ezekiel says, "the Spirit came to me and raised me to my feet." (Ez. 2:2) God offers him a scroll and says, "Son of man, eat what is before you; eat this scroll. Then go and speak to the house of Isreal." (Ez. 3:1) "I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel." (Ez. 3:17) "But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth." (Ez. 3:27)

At first glance it is a crazy vision, but it brought such encouragement to my life this week! May the Spirit raise us to our feet and enable us to speak the words that He puts in our mouths. May God speak to us, and may we open our mouths in response. Just like Ezekiel was appoiunted to watch over the people of Israel and speak God's words to them, may we also watch the people around us and speak God's words to them as God directs us. And may we literally go wherever the Spirit goes, without turning to the right or to the left. I know it's a crazy vision, but I believe it is worth living.
